
How to Implement a Uitableview in Xcode

In this demo I will extend the class UITableViewController, so I already have access to UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource classe...

How to Create a Simple Uiscrollview in Xcode

Finally getting acquainted with iPhone's xcode. Now I'll build a simple window base application to demo the UIScrollView features. ...

How to Create a Simple Uitabbar in Xcode

A simple demonstration by code on how to implement a UITabBar on iPhone. 1.) Create a new Windows based project, and named it whatever you...

Learn Iphone Touch Event Programming Stanford's Stalker Project

Moving on with Stanford's set of exercise, here I am working on how to handle iPhone's touch events. I will replicate the Stalker cl...

How to Fix Unable to Update the Entityset Because it Has a Definingquery

Problem: Unable to update the EntitySet '' because it has a DefiningQuery and no element exists in the element to support the curr...

Familiarizing Yourself With Iphone Development Stanford Exercise Whatatoolb

Stanford Exercise 2B - WhatAToolB Here's my solution and code for this exercise: WhatAToolB.m #import #import "PolygonShape....

Introduction to Iphone Command Line Tool Development and Working With Framework Classes

iPhone command line tool development, working with framework classes I was studying iPhone when I found this video tutorial and online exe...

How to Export Sql to Create a Database Schema in Mssql

I want to duplicate my database schema, but I do not want to copy the data contents. There are 3rd party tools which I can use to achieve th...

Learn Slider in Xcode Development

Lately I've been trying to learn iPhone development by following tutorials available online. But I often encountered problems building a...

Learn About Mssql Database Table Compatibility

Recently I was developing a c# application that uses sqlserver2005 database (express edition) setup on my laptop which has win7 os. The pr...

How to Create Mssql Aspnet Database

I always forget how to create an aspnet database so I'm noting it here: Just execute: c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\a...

How to Fix Entity Framework Tolist Method Missing on Entity Class

If you want to use the ToList() method of an entity you need to import the namespace: using System.Linq;, else the method will not appear. ...

How to Install Iis on Windows

I just installed Windows 7 on a laptop and forgot to install IIS. So last night I need it and I installed it. But it's not like in Win...

Sending and Receiving Xml Through Http Post

Usually, it's easier done on dotnet webservice but there are times when your client wants to do this using Http Post. So I've crea...

Learn Uploadify Dynamic File Extension

Requirement: To change the file extension depending on the value of a dropdown box. The code will explain how this can be achieve. <s...
